Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Erotic Roleplaying with Minor's is Allowed in Star War's the Old Republic...

So I was on the Bergeren Colony server for Star Wars: The Old Republic aka SWTOR and I noticed something very disturbing...

this takes place everyday, and has the potential to happen at any moment.
the server itself says its for "Roleplaying." The game claims "only those 18+ can play.

Of course as every minor in America knows... they don't have to obey this. why? whats going to happen? Storm Troopers go in someones house and arrest the child?
No thats just silly.

What else "could" happen? are the parents responsible? 
YES! just as the parents are responsible for the child being allowed to play. so the 18+ idea, was already defeated. so the minor can still play. because by the constitution, they are property of their parents. So in other words "No, nothing can happen."

Okay so now that that part is hammered out. let me explain in detail as to what is going on.

People in general/public chat go to the "cantina" in imperial fleet (this doesn't happen on the republic side) and role play sexual behavior with <em> unmistakably </em>sexually oriented words, lines you would hear in a porn movie.

My point? Your kids are watching this, and possible participating with one of these sicko's.

Can you get someone banned/arrested for Child Endangerment and Sexual Misconduct with a Minor?
I have no idea, I have contact the FBI, CEOP (euro-FBI) and some other international police organization that.... whatever there name wasn't worth mentioning ... as they are as helpful as the FBI and CEOP.

Answer: Nothing, Nadda, Zip. the world doesn't care how they rape your child. if its on the internet, it must be legal...

I'm not saying we should censor the internet. I'm saying a 255 million dollar game isn't smart enough to hire 1 minimum wage (in America we no longer pay living wages unless you have a degree) CSR to monitor chat and publicly call people out, tell them it is inappropriate and/or ban as necessary.

In short, They Don't Care about You!
EA / FBI / CEOP anyone with a multi billion dollar company doesn't care about You.
so why are they so cheap they can't afford preventative measures to Insure their on business?
wealthy does not = smart. Anyone who has ever personally worked for someone as helpless as this type knows this to be fact. take the owner of my Apartment Complex, The Maverick in downtown San Antonio, facing foreclosure because he lacks common sense on repairing his building.
too cheap to install preventative measures...

At least the military does preventative measures...

I'm kinda sick of our society where pedophiles can legally be aloud to engage in sexual misconduct with a minor and child endangerment.

I have gotten so many problems with this. Infact my computer was remotely shut down and the boot files deleted 5 minutes after posting "no comment from EA as to the pedophiles on SWTOR."

Re-installed OS, MERGED windows.old files via CMD prompt with the new freshly installed OS and runs like a champ. had to increase the security on the computer... but lesson learned.

EA gets what they want, well for now. i get a pc with higher security.

So next time you want to find an appropriate MMO for your child/family/friends, this is what you do.

1) find the roleplay server hosted by the game.
2) observer general chat on the "bad" side in the most populated area.
3) ask questions, the other users will generally tell you the truth if ERP is "tolerated" (i wont say legal because its illegal.)

What can you do if you find one of these games. you "can" try to report it (not on swtor) or you can also try posting a forum thread asking for attention towards this matter (not in swtor your thread will be deleted and you will be banned for 3 days from posting.)

So what else can you do? I have no idea, get a lawyer. why?
The wealthy only listen when you threaten to take away their money.

Like children, you have to take their toy away to get them to listen sometime.


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